#52HandLettered Project – Week 18 – A Date to Remember

Let’s just pretend that I didn’t completely abandon the entire month of April for the #52HandLettered project. What can I say? Life got busy. Hashtag priorities.
Jumping right back in for week 18. The prompt is “a date to remember” and I wasn’t exactly sure what way to take it. But here is what I came up with.
I know an important “date” for me was alllllllll the way back in 2011 when my husband and I took a sailing trip around the #Sydney Harbour as our final farewell to a city we’d lived in for the last year. As we took one last look at the Opera House and the Habour Bridge, we made a promise to ourselves that we’d someday return back to this place that we grown to love so much. Australia (and New Zealand too!) are truly the most wonderful places in the world. If it wasn’t literally on the other side of the planet from everyone we know and love, I’d be back there to stay tomorrow!
I did this with a Kuretake #8 Brush Pen and it’s quickly becoming my favorite. Not too flimsy, but not too stiff to get those lovely textured edges.
What’s an important date for you? Does it inspire anything?
— Gillian
The post #52HandLettered Project – Week 18 – A Date to Remember appeared first on Palmer Street Press.