Hello hello!
Well, we’re back to Monday folks. Sad but true. Even though my job is not the traditional 9-5, M-F, I still definitely feel Mondays. And also that bit of dread you feel on Sunday evenings after an especially cozy and relaxing weekend.
The weather turned seriously cold this weekend in upstate NY. It was also kind of rude considering that the weather so was so deliciously warm last week through the week. Hard to believe I was sitting with the windows wide open just a couple of days ago and now I’m wrapped up in blankets like a yeti.
I’m back again with The Nectar Collective’s Weekly Wishes. I started this in good faith and did my first Weekly Wishes almost (..gulp) a month ago. I’ll blame it on the hectic couple of weeks of travel we’ve had. But I just gotta jump back on the wagon.
On last week’s month’s wishes:
1. Take another Skillshare course in hand lettering. Success! I did sought out and did another calligraphy course on Skillshare (the course by Bryn Chernoff, if anyone is interested). It was FANTASTIC. I’m really glad I went through this course even after doing another beginners course. Bryn is really good at explaining the basics and principles behind the instructions she’s giving and I just really enjoyed her delivery. Her 3 calligraphy courses are worth the monthly price of Skillshare alone.
2. Have an Offline Afternoon. Not successful. It’s been crazy with online work this entire month, it seems. Despite wanting to just have an offline afternoon to just create, it didn’t happen.
3. Make a packing list for Colorado. Success – seeing as I successfully went and returned from Colorado and, you know, managed be an adult and pack a suitcase. Aim high, kids!
4. Read for at least 45 minutes every day. Somewhat successful! I did furiously devour a book – Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s A Gift From the Sea. Even though this book was first published over 50 years ago, it gave some amazing perspectives on work/life balance and what it means to be happy. I’m going to try and put together a more in-depth review of the book sometime soon. I haven’t been able to find a book to get into since, so I gotta get some good recommendations.
On to this week’s goals:
1. Finish up the designs for Christmas Cards for the shop. I am at that final finishing stages for the first collection of Christmas Cards and I just need to make that last push and call them done. I have the tendency to over analyze and nit-pick at the designs and have trouble just saying “it’s done!” I’ve gotta get those little suckers to print because the holidays will be here before we know it.
2. Set up a blogging schedule(r). Now that I’ve got a couple months of blogging under my belt, I’ve kinda worked out an idea of how often I want to post and what kind of content I want to include. I would like to come up with a monthly blogging schedule to keep myself more organized and to be able have an at-a-glance ability to see what’s coming up in the long term. I want to get a good software tool or web plug-in to help with the tech side of scheduling posts.
3. RAKE ALL OF THE LEAVES. The picture above is of my backyard ONE DAY after I raked. I just have to accept that living in a house with a nice wooded yard means that I have to be Rake Master General until the snow comes. This will involve daily raking until that gargantuan maple in the back yard (which is still bright-eyed and green-leaved) decides to get in on the fall party and drop already.
So there! Back on the Weekly Wishes Wagon. That wasn’t so hard!
What are some of your goals for the week?
— Gillian
The post WEEKLY WISHES #2 appeared first on Palmer Street Press.